Why is this important? Well, simply put...because it affects how I educate. A lot of times when I'm looking for education I'm looking for an educator who teaches with a "step by step" method. If you are neurospicy like me, then you know steps help give us a clear cut path to the outcome we are looking for. If you are NOT neurospicy, then steps just make it easier to follow overall! 

That's what makes the Chaos & Content suite so great. This entire page is laid out in the exact order that the "steps" should be taken. However, I recognize that not everyone is at the same skill level when it comes to content. So no matter where you are, or what step you choose to take first, there's something here for you! 

I'm obsessed with content but I'm a lotta ADHD

Why is this important? Well, simply put...because it effects how I educate. A lot of times when I'm looking for education I'm looking for an educator who teaches with a "step by step" method. If you are neurospicy like me, then you know steps help give us a clear cut path to the outcome we are looking for. If you are NOT neurospicy, then steps just make it easier to follow overall! 

That's what makes the Chaos & Content suite so great. This entire page is laid out in the exact order that the "steps" should be taken. However, I recognize that not everyone is at the same skill level when it comes to content. So no matter where you are, there's something for you here! 

I'm obsessed with content but I'm a lotta ADHD

This is a free mini course that answers some of stylists most common challenges when it comes to content creation. This is more of a perspective shifting approach, with a full Notion template for all the "homework" that you can do at your own pace & reference back to at anytime. NOW, before you roll your eyes...try it! I mean after all it is FREE!

I have found that some of the biggest roadblocks stylists have with content is a mix of perfectionism, fear & comparison. While I can't fix that or give you the perfect formula to make it click, what I can do is guide you through what every creator (myself included) has gone through when starting out & how to overcome it. 

What's inside:
✔️4 Mini Podcast style videos
✔️A comprehensive Notion template 
✔️A lesson for each episode packed full
of thought provoking questions & some of my personal tips & tricks

Price: FREE


The Social Bootcamp is everything that big creators gatekeep and more. It's the stuff no one talks about because to be honest....it's not that "sexy" but it is necessary. Listen, I get it the basics are never fun but the results they can bring are worth it. Not many people realize how much analysis actually goes into content nor do they realize that content is actually marketing. When you start looking at that way, everything changes. 

Every single piece of marketing that a big corp. or brand puts out is backed by a TON of market research, but before they even get there they have a clear idea of WHO their market is & that is part of what The Social Bootcamp is about. Wether you are someone who posts often & doesn't feel like it's attracting the right clients, or someone who doesn't post enough because you're not sure what to say, this Bootcamp is for you. The Social Bootcamp is going to kick your a$$ (in a good way) & by the end of it you will have rebuilt your content from the ground up into a complete marketing strategy for your business. 

What's inside:
✔️Finding your dream clients
demographics and psychographics
✔️Content analysis & tracker
✔️Content types: a deep dive
✔️Building your content pillars
✔️The perfect caption formula
& so much more!

I'm sure you just read all of that and thought to yourself "none of this sounds interesting" just wait until you get into the Bootcamp, the first lesson is going to blow your mind! All of this comes in a Notion template that is delivered directly to your inbox & perfect for you to do at your own pace. 

PRICE: $87


The Social Bootcamp is everything that big creators gatekeep and more. It's the stuff no one talks about because to be honest....it's not that "sexy" but it is necessary. Listen, I get it the basics are never fun but the results they can bring are worth it. Not many people realize how much analysis actually goes into content nor do they realize that content is actually marketing. When you start looking at that way, everything changes. 

Every single piece of marketing that a big corp. or brand puts out is backed by a TON of market research, but before they even get there they have a clear idea of WHO their market is & that is part of what The Social Bootcamp is about. Wether you are someone who posts often & doesn't feel like it's attracting the right clients, or someone who doesn't post enough because you're not sure what to say, this Bootcamp is for you. The Social Bootcamp is going to kick your a$$ (in a good way) & by the end of it you will have rebuilt your content from the ground up into a complete marketing strategy for your business. 

What's inside:
✔️Finding your dream clients
demographics and psychographics
✔️Content analysis & tracker
✔️Content types: a deep dive
✔️Building your content pillars
✔️The perfect caption formula
& so much more!

I'm sure you just read all of that and thought to yourself "none of this sounds interesting" just wait until you get into the Bootcamp, the first lesson is going to blow your mind! All of this comes in a Notion template that is delivered directly to your inbox & perfect for you to do at your own pace. 

PRICE: $87


Tell me if this sounds like you...
You come home from a long day at the salon, you scarf down your dinner and then realize you haven't posted on the gram. So you just sit there doom scrolling through your photos and other peoples content wondering what you should post.

Your problem is you don't have a strategy for your content and all of your ideas are scattered across your notes app. Posting content without a strategy is the same as putting fashion color over black hair. It's pointless.

Plan the Gram is a place to not only organize all of those content ideas, but it gives you the space to conceptualize & plan the details, turning what could've been mediocre content into amazing content that stands out all while making sure your feed stays  cohesive and doesn't turn into a hot mess. 

You will never again come home on a Wednesday night & stress about what to post or what to say because you will already have it planned, made & the caption is just waiting to be copied and pasted. It's the best way to truly treat your content like the job that it is, show up consistently & do it all with purpose. 

So let's talk about what is inside:

THE Notion Template
✔️How to Plan Your Feed With UNUM
✔️How to Schedule Your Content in Advance
✔️Auditing Your Content With AI
✔️My Step by Step Planning Process
✔️250+ Canva Templates for Stylists 
✔️200+ Content and Caption Prompts
✔️Setting Your Goals & Taking Action

Plan the Gram is about more than just scheduling & planning content, it's about setting yourself up for success & creating a content in a way that doesn't stress you out so you can start enjoying posting again. It's about building a winning strategy that hits your goals & allows you the freedom to put your phone down and enjoy your life outside of the salon.  

PRICE: $167


Tell me if this sounds like you...
You come home from a long day at the salon, you scarf down your dinner and then realize you haven't posted on the gram. So you just sit there doom scrolling through your photos and other peoples content wondering what you should post.

Your problem is you don't have a strategy for your content and all of your ideas are scattered across your notes app. Posting content without a strategy is the same as putting fashion color over black hair. It's pointless.

Plan the Gram is a place to not only organize all of those content ideas, but it gives you the space to conceptualize & plan the details, turning what could've been mediocre content into amazing content that stands out all while making sure your feed stays  cohesive and doesn't turn into a hot mess. 

You will never again come home on a Wednesday night & stress about what to post or what to say because you will already have it planned, made & the caption is just waiting to be copied and pasted. It's the best way to truly treat your content like the job that it is, show up consistently & do it all with purpose. 

So let's talk about what is inside:

THE Notion Template
✔️How to Plan Your Feed With UNUM
✔️How to Schedule Your Content in Advance
✔️Auditing Your Content With AI
✔️My Step by Step Planning Process
✔️250+ Canva Templates for Stylists 
✔️200+ Content and Caption Prompts
✔️Setting Your Goals & Taking Action

Plan the Gram is about more than just scheduling & planning content, it's about setting yourself up for success & creating a content in a way that doesn't stress you out so you can start enjoying posting again. It's about building a winning strategy that hits your goals & allows you the freedom to put your phone down and enjoy your life outside of the salon.  

PRICE: $167


Raise your hand if every time a photo doesn't come out right you think "the lighting just isn't working" or "Oh, it must be the lighting" 🙋🏼‍♀️ In a poll I took based off the feedback from 1000 different hairstylists 90% said that they thought it was their lighting. 

While lighting is a key factor for creating great photos, exceptional photos come from the settings. 
This side by side showcases the insane difference one setting can make. 

One setting change and you can go from thinking you'll have to edit to reflect how it looks in real life, to actually capturing what it looks like in real life. THIS is what the Photography 101 course can do for you. 

But there's just one problem...
You don't understand the foreign language that is photography. 
Well, I've got some good news for you! In this course I break it down in a way that hairstylists can easily  understand. It took me years to figure out how this all applied to hair but now that I've got it down, I know exactly what settings I need for each hair color I'm shooting & now, I never miss. 😉

You know what else those settings can do for you? 
They can elevate your content by capturing motion. (which honestly is the entire reason I taught myself all of this)  I mean would you just look at this? 🤤
I know content doesn't dictate "luxury"
but it sure doesn't hurt your brand either.
To me a photo like this is showcasing a classic
& flawless look that is frozen in time and if that 
doesn't scream "luxury" then I don't know what 

The settings responsible for killer images
are also the same settings you have to adjust 
for high quality, professional looking video 
footage. Because in todays social climate you 
have to make sure the hair color matches 
in both the photo and video footage. 

There's nothing like learning a new skill from someone who has been in your
shoes & uses it for the same reasons you do.  Trust me when I say you do not 
have to struggle through content creation alone. Join the over 200+ stylists who 
have seen instant results from this course almost over night & turn you photos into
something you're proud!

*This course does ONLY cover cameras & not phones

PRICE: $197


Let's talk about whats covered:
✔️A Camera Deep Dive 
✔️Accessories (tripods, gimbals etc)
✔️Lighting & Backdrops
✔️Camera Settings Explained

Raise your hand if every time a photo doesn't come out right you think "the lighting just isn't working" or "Oh, it must be the lighting" 🙋🏼‍♀️ In a poll I took based off the feedback from 1000 different hairstylists 90% said that they thought it was their lighting. 

While lighting is a key factor for creating great photos, exceptional photos come from the settings. 
This side by side showcases the insane difference one setting can make. 

One setting change and you can go from thinking you'll have to edit to reflect how it looks in real life, to actually capturing what it looks like in real life. THIS is what the Photography 101 course can do for you. 

But there's just one problem...
You don't understand the language that is photography. 
Well, I've got some good news for you! In this course I break it down in a way that hairstylists can easily  understand. It took me years to figure out how this all applied to hair but now that I've got it down, I know exactly what settings I need for each hair color I'm shooting & now, I never miss. 😉

You know what else those settings can do for you? 
They can elevate your content by capturing motion. (which honestly is the entire reason I taught myself all of this)  I mean would you just look at this? 🤤
I know content doesn't dictate "luxury"
but it sure doesn't hurt your brand either.
To me a photo like this is showcasing a classic
& flawless look that is frozen in time and if that 
doesn't scream "luxury" then I don't know what 

The settings responsible for killer images
are also the same settings you have to adjust 
for high quality, professional looking video 
footage. Because in todays social climate you 
have to make sure the hair color matches 
in both the photo and video footage. 

There's nothing like learning a new skill from someone who has been in your shoes & uses it for the same reasons you do. Trust me when I say you do not  have to struggle through content creation alone. Join the
over 200+ stylists who have seen instant results from this course almost over night & turn you photos into
something you're proud of!

*This course ONLY covers cameras & not phones

Let's talk about whats covered:
✔️A Camera Deep Dive 
✔️Accessories (tripods, gimbals etc)
✔️Lighting & Backdrops
✔️Camera Settings Explained

PRICE: $197


So you wanna start taking video content more seriously, but every time you sit down to edit you get overwhelmed and want to yeet your phone across the room. I have been there...many times. The first time I opened an editing app I immediately closed it because I got so overwhelmed. 🙃

But, I am not gonna let that happen to you...
❌ No more ripping your hair out because the sound doesn't sync up with the video
❌ We are done posting basic before & after content that doesn't stand out
❌ You're gonna stop struggling to find balance between quality and quantity 

Instead what's gonna happen is:
✔️ You are gonna develop a signature editing style with a unique voice to stand out online
✔️ You''ll start creating captivating content that stops the scroll
✔️ All while building a recognizable brand that resonates with your target audience

If that sounds like it's for you just stop reading now and scroll down to that checkout button👇🏻

Video content is an art form in itself & just like hair you have to learn the core basics before you can start creating masterpieces. I know they didn't tell you in school that video content would be a part of your everyday tools, like shears and color but, here we are. 

One of the biggest excuses I hear from stylists who are fighting video content is that they are not "Tech Savvy". Hate to break it to you but I have a stylist friend who can't even connect her airpods to her computer but she has managed to grow 41k followers just from video content. So if she can do it, so can you. 

So let me fill you in on what's included:
✔️ iPhone & Camera Settings for highest quality
✔️Lighting and Stabilization 
✔️Audio Tips & Tricks
✔️Slow Motion Settings
✔️Parts of a Video & How to Capture them
✔️The Editing Suite
✔️Hooks list
✔️Posting Strategy 

Statistically, video content is more likely to be shared than any other type of content (other than memes of course 🤭) So if someone shares your video, don't you want it to be the best reflection of who you are as a stylist and what you are capable of? 

*This course if for iPhones & cameras 

PRICE: $197


So you wanna start taking video content more seriously, but every time you sit down to edit you get overwhelmed and want to yeet your phone across the room. I have been there...many times. The first time I opened an editing app I immediately closed it because I got so overwhelmed. 🙃

But, I am not gonna let that happen to you...
❌No more ripping your hair out because the sound doesn't sync up with the video
❌ We are done posting basic before & after content that doesn't stand out
❌ You're gonna stop struggling to find balance between quality and quantity 

Instead what's gonna happen is:
✔️ You are gonna develop a signature editing style with a unique voice to stand out online
✔️ You''ll start creating captivating content that stops the scroll
✔️ All while building a recognizable brand that resonates with your target audience

If that sounds like it's for you just stop reading now and scroll down to that checkout button👇🏻

Video content is an art form in itself & just like hair you have to learn the core basics before you can start creating masterpieces. I know they didn't tell you in school that video content would be a part of your everyday tools, like shears and color but, here we are.

One of the biggest excuses I hear from stylists who are fighting video content is that they are not "Tech Savvy". Hate to break it to you but I have a stylist friend who can't even connect her airpods to her computer but she has managed to grow 41k followers just from video content. So if she can do it, so can you.

So let me fill you in on what's included:
✔️ iPhone & Camera Settings for highest quality
✔️Lighting and Stabilization
✔️Audio Tips & Tricks
✔️Slow Motion Settings
✔️Parts of a Video & How to Capture them
✔️The Editing Suite
✔️Hooks list
✔️Posting Strategy

Statistically, video content is more likely to be shared than any other type of content (other than memes of course 🤭) So if someone shares your video, don't you want it to be the best reflection of who you are as a stylist and what you are capable of?

*This course if for iPhones & cameras


PRICE: $197


Due to the nature of digital products, all sales are final. Once a digital product is downloaded and/or accessed, it's impossible to "return" it in the traditional sense.

However, I understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise. If you encounter a technical issue with your download, please contact me at cryistalchaos@icloud.com with details about your purchase and the issue you're facing. 

You will have lifetime access to any course you buy unless otherwise stated at checkout. 

If I ever plan to remove a course from the catalog you will get an email notifying you of those changes before it is removed. Please remember that you do not have permission to screen record or save the course in any way, even for personal use. 

For the social media courses that is totally ok! 

While I do speak directly to stylists in my education, everything included could be applied to any industry or profession. I've had welders, tattoo artists & evening home renovators participate before! 

The simple answer is no.

As stated in my terms of service:
"the Site is Our proprietary property and all Content and the trademarks, Service marks, and logos contained therein (the “Marks”) are owned or controlled by Us or licensed to Us, and are protected by copyright and trademark laws and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws of the United States, international copyright laws, and international conventions that protect intellectual property and proprietary rights."

"The Content and the Marks are provided on the Site “AS IS” for Your information and personal use only. Except as expressly provided in these Terms, no part of the Site and no Content or Marks may be copied, reproduced, aggregated, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted, distributed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose whatsoever, without our express written permission."

Breaking these terms or sharing with someone else who has no paid for the education will warrant an immediate ban for the site and you will lose access to any and all courses. 

Most of the apps I use or suggest have a free plan. 

If you like them & wish to pay for the advanced versions you are welcome to do so, but you should not have to pay for any apps unless you decide to upgrade. 

I do not offer a money back guarantee & here's why:

1- Since the products are digital downloads or access to online services, we are unable to offer traditional money-back guarantees. Digital products can't be returned once downloaded or accessed, unlike physical items.
2- These courses only work if YOU put the work in. There is no way to guarantee something without knowing how much of the actual information is being applied. The success of these courses relies solely on you.

The Social Bootcamp- Basic to Advanced. You should have a general knowledge of social media before taking this.
Plan the Gram-  This is for all levels
Photography 101- Basic
Videography 101- Basic to intermediate. You should have some general knowledge of video content.

Over all any skill level could take these courses and benefit from them.

To streamline the checkout process and ensure immediate access to your purchase, I currently don't offer payment plans.
However, my platform does accept all major credit cards and PayPal.